Three brothers named Victor, Juan and Salvador pose as the group "Trio Los Mexicanos" "The Mexican Trio" Autograph in top left corner: "Con nuestro mas sincero cariño para nuestra linda amiguita Sra. "Maria". Un recuerdo. Victor Rocha Diaz Juan Rocha Diaz Salvador Rocha Diaz 12-2-51
Left to Right: Dr. & Mrs. Hector P. Garcia, Rosana Gutierrez and Dr. Xico P. Garcia
"Groupo de hermano de la iglesia de Christo en Felipe Angeles, Dgo. Julio 26, 1963" handwritten on t...
Photograph of a "Mayan family of Quintana Roo." In this group portrait a family of seven stands in a...
Portrait of singing trio "Caimanes Huastecos" holding their guitars and wearing mariachi outfits. ...
Portrait of musicians Monolo Mendoza, Juanita Mendoza and their sister. Autographs on photo: ...
Portrait of a mariachi singing trio. Autograph on photo: "To Mr. & Mrs. Burk with all our bes...
Three individuals: a woman and two boys, each dressed up. The back of the photo: Tres de los cuatro ...
The three members of the group Los Excentricos (The Eccentrics) sit next to each other in white tuxe...
Color photograph. Kika de la Garza pictured with members of the Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos...
From left to right Teodorita “Theodora” M. Gomez, her mother Suzana Martinez, and her brother Benito...
Back: Names of the people in the group picture with Marie von Blucher taken in Mexico cit
Group photograph, with Iglesia De Cristo, 16 de Septiembre, Num. 185, Moroleon, GTO, Mexico stampe...
Photograph of a large group of Hispanic men, women, and children posing for a group portrait. The me...
Photograph of "two Maya lassies and one in typical dress of the interior of Mexico and one of out li...
Photograph of the Olaguibel Trio. The portrait of the group consists of an older man and two boys. T...
Left to Right: Dr. & Mrs. Hector P. Garcia, Rosana Gutierrez and Dr. Xico P. Garcia
"Groupo de hermano de la iglesia de Christo en Felipe Angeles, Dgo. Julio 26, 1963" handwritten on t...
Photograph of a "Mayan family of Quintana Roo." In this group portrait a family of seven stands in a...
Portrait of singing trio "Caimanes Huastecos" holding their guitars and wearing mariachi outfits. ...
Portrait of musicians Monolo Mendoza, Juanita Mendoza and their sister. Autographs on photo: ...
Portrait of a mariachi singing trio. Autograph on photo: "To Mr. & Mrs. Burk with all our bes...
Three individuals: a woman and two boys, each dressed up. The back of the photo: Tres de los cuatro ...
The three members of the group Los Excentricos (The Eccentrics) sit next to each other in white tuxe...
Color photograph. Kika de la Garza pictured with members of the Secretaría de Agricultura y Recursos...
From left to right Teodorita “Theodora” M. Gomez, her mother Suzana Martinez, and her brother Benito...
Back: Names of the people in the group picture with Marie von Blucher taken in Mexico cit
Group photograph, with Iglesia De Cristo, 16 de Septiembre, Num. 185, Moroleon, GTO, Mexico stampe...
Photograph of a large group of Hispanic men, women, and children posing for a group portrait. The me...
Photograph of "two Maya lassies and one in typical dress of the interior of Mexico and one of out li...
Photograph of the Olaguibel Trio. The portrait of the group consists of an older man and two boys. T...
Left to Right: Dr. & Mrs. Hector P. Garcia, Rosana Gutierrez and Dr. Xico P. Garcia
"Groupo de hermano de la iglesia de Christo en Felipe Angeles, Dgo. Julio 26, 1963" handwritten on t...
Photograph of a "Mayan family of Quintana Roo." In this group portrait a family of seven stands in a...